Estate Planning is taking the affirmative action to create the necessary legal documents to prevent legal problems for yourself and your loved ones now and in the future. Planning ahead does not have to be a difficult and tedious task. It can be simplified and made easy by our law office.
Please read our testimonials and see how many past clients have described how we explain complex legal concepts and terms into simple terms and easy applications of the law. Most people just need simple estate planning tools such as the following items:
(1) Trust Agreement;
(2) Last Will and Testament (“Pour-Over Will”);
(3) Advance Health Care Directive, and
(4) Financial Power of Attorney Document.
We want to help people avoid having the judicial branch intervene in their lives when someone passes away or when they become incapacitated. Hence we prepare and draft the aforementioned legal documents to prevent those two (2) major pitfalls. At our law office we keep the process simple and efficient. We want people to start the process and complete it. We personally meet with each client and ascertain their individual needs, and create an estate plan according to each of their circumstances. Not all estate plans are the same, and that is why having a licensed attorney who deals in estate planning is essential to creating an appropriate estate plan for each client’s needs.
Begin your estate planning now and contact the Law Offices of Allan M. Soto, Inc. to make the process happen and protect your loved ones. We believe in keeping estate planning simple, and creating an estate that is “Piece of mind at a Reasonable Price.” Please see our Estate Planning Brochure in English and in Spanish for pricing and legal services in the Contact portion of our website. We look forward to servicing your estate planning needs.
Watch a video of Allan’s seminar on Estate Planning for more detailed information. Watch here.